Company information

Address ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar mbH
Work Werkstraße 1
66763  Dillingen
Tel.: Work +49 (0) 6831 47 - 2320
Fax: Fax +49 (0) 6831 47 - 3227
Direction Frank Becker
Dr. Michael Bott

Legal form GmbH
Court registration Amtsgericht Saarbrücken
Registration number 24162
Value added tax identification number DE156304433
Webmaster Dr. rer. nat. Herbert Altpeter-Rüb
Responsible for content Frank Becker
Indication of responsibility
Despite continuous careful inspection of the contents of the site, ROGESA holds no responsibility for the contents of the external links on its website. This full responsibility is to be found with the companies themselves.

  Photo credit:
  Content "Purchasing - Iron Ore": Cleriston Boechat de Oliveira / Vale archive
  Content "Purchasing - Aggregates": Saarstahl AG